Parties, Presents, & the Magic of Christmas
The magic of a UMYH Christmas would not have been possible without everyone who came together for our young people to make sure they had a traditional holiday season, in their non-traditional circumstances.
One young person in our residential program came to us less than a week before Christmas. When staff started distributing the gifts by name at the Christmas party, her head was hung low like she was trying not to watch. Since she had just arrived, she did not expect to receive anything. To her astonishment, I called her name. Her head popped up and she said “I HAVE PRESENTS?!” It was our first time seeing her smile since she arrived on campus. It is in the moments like that, I am humbled and honored to be able to share these special moments with our youth.
Every young person in any one of our programs had a present (or 10), a stocking filled to the brim with treats, and a special meal. All of which were provided by our caring and supportive community. While there are too many to count, I want to thank the Women’s Club of Newburgh, The Turning Pointe, McCutchanville Community Church, and Sigma Group for everything they did this holiday season.

One of the most exciting things for our residents this holiday season was getting a surprise on their doorstep every day for the 12 days leading up to Christmas. The 12 elves, who like to remain anonymous, could be seen running away in crazy outfits like a snowman costume.